Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Women and Porn

OK, OK, that title is a bit misleading, I admit, because the winning entry has nothing to do with sex, which says (confirms?) something all by itself.

It has been fairly widely asserted that what porn is to men, romance novels (“bodice rippers”), with their discreet descriptions of passion and suggested- as opposed to blunt- physicality, are for women. I can see certain ways in which that might be the case for those females who are starry-eyed and thinking about men all the time. But if you are a more, er, “normal” woman, you don’t see the world that way. There are lots of higher priority thoughts regarding much different matters. Such as the kids, for example.

Let me explain. Men think of sex, conservatively, every eight seconds or so, unless something intervenes to increase the frequency, such as, for example, an attractive female walking by. Or a slightly less attractive female walking by. Or any female thinking of walking by. You get the idea.

What is the equivalent obsession for women? What will make them risk their reputations, lives, and careers because of its irresistible hold on their psyches and all waking thoughts? Not sex, that is certain. Fashion? For some, perhaps.

But the real winner is: home remodeling, as represented by HGTV. If I had football or basketball running on the television as much as my wife has HGTV going from the instant she arrives home after a long and stressful day at work, I would be the most expert data wonk in history, and ready for a prime-time job at ESPN. And look at the rise of first, Home Depot as the initial outlet for such impulses even as the high couture department stores fade away as major economic players. And what chain is now rising fast as the competitor to Home Depot? Lowe’s. Why? Because its store formats are more appealing to women. Home Depot has too many power tools and too much wood (men). Lowe’s is full of stainless steel appliances and window coverings.

Men, do this experiment. Next time your one-and-only is watching HGTV, stand in front of the television (if you dare), and wave a thousand dollar bill, all the while screaming “Free shopping spree! Here’s the cash! I’m watching the kids!” She will decapitate you as she responds, “Move, dumbbell, Candice Olson is describing why she stenciled a polar bear next to the fireplace!”

A woman can do a striptease in front of the Super Bowl on the TV screen. Or the NCAA championship game, and he will follow her to the next room, panting, having lost all curiosity about who might win. But if you interrupt or block “Designer’s Challenge”, God help you.

UPDATE: Welcome, all ye who observe and hallow the name of Instapundit. I always wondered how I might react to the ecstasy of an Instalanche(TM). Actually, I haven't quite yet grasped the reality. I'll go home tonight and ruminate on it as my lovely bride watches HGTV.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE (final version):
The New Merriam-Webster pocket dictionary defines “satire” as “n. biting wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose vice or folly…” I suspect that my unpardonable sin here was to treat the compulsive viewing of HGTV as “vice”. Excuse me, folks, gotta go add one more thing to the list of things that you aren’t allowed to say!

The reactions to this post, less here than at Michele Catalano’s “A Small Victory”, ranged from the Not Me refrain of “Well, I’m a woman and I LIKE porn-power tools-whatever”, to the Catherine MacKinnon radical feminist school of “You slimy men only think of one thing” to “I’m a man and I LIKE HGTV”. Forthe record, I know all kinds of women and men, and viva la differences both ways, as well as the similarities. My basic text is UVa Prof. Steven Rhoads' book, a serious meta-analysis of the hundreds of studies on gender differences.

If Jonathan Swift were alive today, he would be a blogger. He would also post “A Modest Proposal”, and he would get reactions from:

PETA (If you are going to insist on hamburgers, at least be consistent and eat your own young)

Policy Wonks (Mr. Swift’s proposal appears to have merit on its surface, but he makes a mathematical error that defeats his entire thesis; the better solution is to raise taxes and set up collective farms)

Anti-abortion activists (This debauchery just goes to illustrate how easy it is to slide down the slippery slope…) (Disclaimer: I am pro-life, anti-Eric Rudolph)

Paul Ehrlich and the Club of Rome (If we had instituted universal population controls, this wouldn’t be necessary......)

I wonder how Scott Ott (Scrappleface.com) handles this. Of course, he is actually funny……


Blogger David Wharton said...

I have a confession to make . . . I like HGTV, too.

December 14, 2004 at 2:29 PM  
Blogger AST said...

Reminds me of the joke about a man who goes to the doctor for treatment of impotence. The Dr. gives him two options: one is $12,000 and takes 6 months and painful treatments; the other is $18,000 takes 1 month and is painless. The man says he'll have to talk it over with his wife and will let the Dr. know.

A few weeks later the man runs into the Dr. at a store and the doc asks whether he has made a decision. "Yes," he says, "We decided to get a new kitchen."

December 14, 2004 at 3:03 PM  
Blogger gadfly said...

I remember in high school church group a youth pastor claiming that we guys thought about sex every 8 seconds or so. I thought about this and came to the conclusion that if that were true, us guys only have about 1 and half hours of our waking day not devoted to thinking about sex. What scares me is I think about HGTV about every 8 seconds because its about the only cable station my wife watches. I hope this post was as good for you as it was for me. I need a smoke!

December 14, 2004 at 4:07 PM  
Blogger Howard said...

I actually did a study and wrote a paper on this subject once. My conclusions were that women are attracted to what in their opinion is a powerful male. Rich, famous, all that crap. BUT there are women who see the powerful male as one who is smart, a good painter, a guy who can score drugs, and so on.

This is a generalization, but I was involved in producing some porn and we all wondered how to make something women would just eat up. I consulted with two psych people and both told me in no uncertain terms that at least half the women in the world aren't interested in sex. The proof is in the fact that there has been a drug on the market for at least ten years that IS an aphrodesiac for women. It's called Wellbutrin (sic) and you can look it up. Women have every excuse in the world not to take it.

December 14, 2004 at 4:08 PM  
Blogger Kurmudge said...

Beloved younger daughter (please go read her stuff at eastasiadiary.blogspot.com, much better than anything I have ever written) says that HGTV is not only as exciting as watching paint dry, it IS watching paint dry. But she does watch it with her mom when she gets back home from afar (China, these days).

December 14, 2004 at 4:09 PM  
Blogger PajamaGuy said...

I don't believe you! ...she just hits the record button on the TiVo, grabs the "Cleveland" and out the door - feet never hitting the ground.

December 15, 2004 at 5:23 AM  
Blogger SpinDaddy said...

Yeah...ahh, you see I have noticed this trend with my wife as well, and three years ago, well I bought this gnarly old USAF POWERWAGON truck (not to be outdone by sissies driving H2's) hoping the rennovation fever would catch.

I'm still waiting.

We have re-modeled two houses in that time, but my tired old Air Force truck still awaits a v-8 transplant. -SpinDaddy

December 15, 2004 at 7:54 AM  
Blogger Kai said...

You don't think the soilders in Iraq are thinking about sex? If I go a couple days without sex, i start shaking. I cant imagine...years...

December 15, 2004 at 3:18 PM  
Blogger Kurmudge said...

Hey, this posting is about HGTV and addiction, not sex. Or, actually, porn. No more! Go read romance novels!

Now, back to "Design on a Dime" (I SAID it was on all the time at home, didn't I? I don't memorize the shows deliberately.......) Didn't you love the cordless drill he used last week, that ran for 59 hours on a charge?

December 15, 2004 at 3:46 PM  
Blogger Kurmudge said...

Will von Wizzlepig, if women were that helpless, no one with any brains himself would want to be around them. This post was originally inspired by an Instapundit post where the sainted Glenn described his very intelligent and accomplished Dr./author Instawife recovering from a virus by watching HGTV while he blogged. That got me to thinking about my own very lovely and accomplished Madame Kurmudge, who has similar HGTV interests and compulsions, along with boasting different but also significant accomplishments, both educationally and professionally.

Simply put, she can do more different things than anyone else I know. Our daughters are both also very accomplished- one loves to garden and do craft-type things, art photography, and such (which I don't understand either) as she finishes her PhD in Physics and Biomaterials, and the other one reads "In Style" magazine when she is not reading Chinese documents in their original Mandarin characters while researching her own doctoral thesis.

This illustrates the way we all have very intellectual interests at the same time as we are captivated by some kinds of, well, fluff. In trying to measure the degree of compulsion, I used the biochemical/psychological erotic urges as a comparison. Probably a dumb choice, given how many commenters are fixated on everything other than the main point.

December 17, 2004 at 1:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am a woman, and I never watch HGTV, or any other home improvement shows. What drives me nuts is that our local cable system moved several channels to 'digital only'- including the SciFi Channel ! I can't get my Stargate fix without paying extra ! (GRRRR!)

December 18, 2004 at 11:07 AM  
Blogger su422503 said...

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September 14, 2011 at 3:32 AM  

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